About us

Welcome to Green Is A Lifestyle, your go-to destination for embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle and discovering a world of green, low-impact living. We are Liz and Jerry, nature enthusiasts, and advocates for a sustainable future. Our journey began with a deep love for the outdoors, a passion for native gardening, and a profound appreciation for wildlife.

At Green Is A Lifestyle, we believe the power of small, intentional choices can make a big impact on our planet. Our mission is to curate and share eco-friendly lifestyle products that align with our values of sustainability, responsibility, and harmony with nature. From renewable energy solutions to zero-waste essentials, we’re dedicated to finding products that help you live more naturally and tread lightly on the Earth.

In our corner of the internet, you’ll find practical tips, insightful stories, and product recommendations aimed at reducing your ecological footprint. We’re committed to fostering a community that celebrates the beauty of green living and encourages each other to make conscious choices for a better world.

Whether you’re an avid nature lover, a seasoned gardener, or someone just starting their journey into eco-conscious living, Green Is A Lifestyle is here to inspire and guide you. Join us as we explore the wonders of native gardening, share our encounters with wildlife, and showcase innovative and eco-friendly products that align with our values.

After all, it’s not easy being green, but together, we can make a difference—one sustainable choice at a time. Welcome to our eco-friendly haven!

About Me

Hi! I’m Liz, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an avid rewilding and native gardening enthusiast who is always on the search for ways to green and live a more natural life. I love photographing the wonderful life in my native wildflower garden, kayaking and finding joy in the simple things. Occasionally, my intrepid partner, Jerry might pop in and write some of his thoughts down.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

I am using curated affiliate links to help you discover and buy eco-friendly products easily. My idea is simple: the more people buy sustainable goods, the more companies will see the demand and start producing more. Let’s make sustainable living the norm!