Transform to a green, sustainable lifestyle.

We can do this.

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  • 10 Must-Have Tech Gadgets for an Eco-Friendly Home

    Are you ready to transform your home into an energy-efficient haven? Today, we delve into the world of green gadgets – innovative devices designed to help you conserve energy, reduce waste, and minimize your carbon footprint. Additionally, I will provide links to some excellent products on Amazon, enabling you to…

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About Me

Hi! I’m Liz, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an avid rewilding and native gardening enthusiast who is always on the search for ways to green and live a more natural life. I love photographing the wonderful life in my native wildflower garden, kayaking and finding joy in the simple things. Occasionally, my intrepid partner, Jerry might pop in and write some of his thoughts down.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

I am using curated affiliate links to help you discover and buy eco-friendly products easily. My idea is simple: the more people buy sustainable goods, the more companies will see the demand and start producing more. Let’s make sustainable living the norm!